Get Outta The Boat 


Matthew 14:22-33

1 January 2023

What “strongholds” will NOT hold you back in 2023?

My Confession ~ I confess that I will no longer permit the devil to have a foothold in my mind and emotions. I am employing the use of the power of God, the weapons of the Holy Spirit, and the name of Jesus. I command the devil to withdraw his lies from my mind and emotions and to flee from me! The enemy has no right to operate inside my mind, and I refuse to allow his operation in my soul to continue. I will believe right, think right, and renew my mind daily with the Word of God. I am permanently set free from lies that have controlled me. From this moment forward, I am dominated by the TRUTH of God’s Word (the Truth that I know sets me free and fight the lies with the Truth)! Lies that have held me captive for so long have no more power over me! I declare all of this by faith in Jesus’ name!

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