Leadership Education and Development (L.E.A.D.) Level 1 is our foundational leadership training at VineLife and one of two required trainings to be a leader here. The other is to attend a Leadership Orientation. This course requires that you purchase 5 books and read them in preparation for each discussion on the fourth Monday of the month. There are also additional trainings you will need to complete as a leader at VineLife including our trainings (Guiding Life-Changing Small Groups, the Five Step Prayer Model, and Listening for Heaven’s Sake).
This leadership training is a six month commitment to read, reflect, and prepare yourself for servant leadership at the Vinelife. There are five books you will need to purchase and read before each of the first five meetings.
August: Leadership Orientation (Materials Provided)
September: Color Your World with Natural Church Development, Christian A. Schwarz
October: Three Colors of Ministry, Christian A. Schwarz
November: Three Colors of Leadership, Christian A. Schwarz
January: Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help, Robert Lupton
February: Crucial Conversations, Kerry Patterson